Rolling the hull

Separated from the strongback
It was a really big evening at the Hack Factory!  We unbolted and flipped the starboard hull tonight.  I'm actually pretty pleased.  A few little gremlins, I've spotted a few spots that will need some putty or a mechanical fastener to reinforce a difficult spot, but overall, it's mostly shaped like a boat, and it will float!
We've got a couple of weeks left on this hull, and will start on the second one at the same time we finish the first.
Bit of a tight squeeze!

And it's free!  Not bad - weight around 75-80lb, which is well within the 'all up' hull target of 150.

First view as it rolls up

Into the cradle

And out into the light

A few things to fix

Time to cut away anything that doesn't look like a boat.


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