Squaring the deck

The deck has been sitting in wait for a while now.  There was no need to rush into it, but as the hull gets closer, it's time to get it out of the way, too. Lots of pieces to fit together, and a final tolerance check. 
Fortunately, everything was 'close'.  I had to shave a couple of corners, and even up some of the notches.  I also planed out the bottom of the frames so that they were fair.  This will make tacking plywood on them much simpler.
i'm using Tyvek building wrap as my floor protector.  Epoxy doesn't bond to it, so it's inexpensive and reusable.  Tonight I'll go back, partly disassemble, epoxy all joints, reassemble, and brad nail everything just to provide a little mechanical help.
Final squaring will be done using squares and cross-checked by measuring across opposite corners.  A final tap into place and then 24 hours to cure.   
After curing, the next step will be to put the top skin on (currently on the floor), and start adding reinforcement points for deck furniture, the battery rails, stanchions, cleats and all the other accouterments of 'the deck'.


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