Hanging the sides

 Long evening in the boat shop.  Both of us have 'day jobs' that occupy an inordinate amount of time that could better be spent building boats, except our bosses don't quite see it that way and since they sign the checks...

Tonight was a major 'commit' step.  We attached the major side panels to the frame. 
Before we did that, we trimmed the panels closer to an actual fit (we'll plane them down tight this weekend).
I didn't grab photos since my hands/gloves were covered with epoxy, but here are the major steps tonight.
1.  Flow coat the inside of the skins with straight epoxy
2.  Flow coat/prime the frames and stringers with straight epoxy
3.  Re-cover the frames and stringers with a moderately thickened epoxy - just enough to give it a little body
4.  Attach the skins to the frame using a boatload of clamps - approximately one every foot top and bottom.
5.  Use planks to clamp the full panel in place at several stations.  We checked for gaps, and were pleased to find that we had pretty good contact end-end.  We still put the bars on at stations 2 and 6 since those are significant transition frames.
Brian spent a fair amount of time fussing with the bow clamps.  This area is under more stress than we'd probably like, but I think we got it pulled in well.  We'll still add some mechanical fasteners here just to take a bit of pressure off the epoxy. 


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