Two steps forward, one step...

Not quite the big build day I had in mind yesterday.  We had several targets this weekend - finish building out framing for all bulkheads, finish up fairing stringers, and *maybe* start a little assembly.
It almost always takes more time than you think it should, and working tired is almost always a really dumb idea.  As a result of the latter, I lost a couple of hours work cutting framing material, only to realize that the frame still needed tumblehome added and that would change the frame build.  Worse though was a lack of communication between me and the rest of the build team regarding which frames needed to
be 'flat topped' to match the deck and allow bolting the deck to those frames.  Yep, cut too far.  We were able to salvage everything, added some additional reinforcement, and will now take the belly out of the bulkhead.  I haven't decided whether to route out the middle, or use a Forstner bit to create 'swiss cheese'.  Leaning toward Swiss cheese.

It was a necessarily slow progress weekend, but sets the stage for rapid progress over the days to come. 


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