The deck

Building out the deck for this boat is about as straightforward as it gets in terms of the big bones.  It'll take some time after the first big step to get everything positioned and ready to cover up.
Some details.  First, I'm cheating on the deck - it's 6mm Baltic Birch underlayment.  I know - red flags going up all over the place.  But - I've talked to several local builders, and they've built their entire boats from the stuff.  Waterproof glue, no voids, 5 layer, and it will all be flow coated with epoxy before it gets sealed up in any case.  I'm still using marine Okuome plywood for the hull, but at a 4:1 difference in price, I'll experiement with the deck.
The side rails are 3 layers of 6mm laminated with epoxy (and a little cabosil).  It adds a little weight, but it won't warp or twist, and it's idiot strong.
Cross-beams - 6mm ply, with 1.5x3.5" boards laminated between 1-2 and 12-13.  Spacing worked out to be 11" between frames.
6mm spacers will be laminated to the rails to lock the cross-beams in place,
Once these are in place, the slots on the ground will be carry 4" to 9" wide 6mm doubler plates running the length of the deck.  These will help distribute the load, ensuring we don't develop soft spots from walking, etc. 
Sample deck plates fitted into the cross beam slots.
We will also add additional doublers (triplers?) for the motor mount area, and laterally between frames to carry the battery on it's slid to the side rail.  And additional blocking for things like the stern rails, deck furniture and cleats.
The entire thing will be bolted to the hull with 1/2" stainless bolts, running in Delrin sleeves, and mounted fore and aft on each side. 

Today was also the final fitting for all the frames on one hull.  All the stringers have been notched, and final fitting of the bow will happen tomorrow.  At that point, we can begin the somewhat tedious job of gluing, followed by planing stringers onto the lines, and thn finally it'll be time to skin!

It's starting to look like a boat!


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